Personal loan and the gold loan is on the rise all around the world, in case of family emergencies or medical emergencies we get the money we need instantly.
In the case of personal loan, one get the loan within 24hrs after filling all the necessary application or documents.
Similar to a personal loan, gold loans nowadays easily available for every people irrespective of their cities.
Another easiest way to avail of money is through gold, it is because a gold loan does not require any collateral properties, etc.. For example, if you apply for a Gold Loan Chennai you have to see the gold loan interest rate and the overall amount you get once you give the gold.
In a personal loan, once you surpass the eligibility criteria you will get your loan and before that, you have to check for personal loan interest rates and more importantly, you have to make a budget so that the overall amount doesn’t exceed more than the requirement.
The reason for the increase in the gold loan is because it can be used for any purposes for example if you have multiple debts in your hand and you are not interested to take a personal loan to repay your outstanding loan, then a gold loan is the best choice, you get money as soon as you hand over the gold and with that money you can repay the existing loan amount.
Personal loans become a boom nowadays, unlike gold loan personal loans can be used for personal uses like traveling around the world, for wedding, literally for everything.
Gold loans are flexible and its the best option for short term investment, one of the main thing for applying for a gold loan is that it doesn’t affect your credit history or CIBIL score.
Unlike gold loan personal can avail more money, the amount you receive is proportional to the gold you are giving, but in the case of personal loan, you get the amount you are applied for if you are an eligible candidate.
Compared to credit cards and personal loan gold loan is much cheaper as it cannot lead the borrower into a debt trap unlink above.
Another important thing that gold loan has made a huge demand for is its zero processing fee and low-interest rate.
Another reason for the huge demand for the gold loan is it doesn’t require your income certificate.
In conclusion, both gold loans and personal loans are the best way to solve one’s problem effectively and one has to choose the right way to solve their problem.