Getting a Personal Loan depends largely on your Credit Score. Therefore, if your loan application is rejected due to low-interest rates (less than 700), do not continue to apply for a personal loan over and over again with different banks (as this may reduce your score due to different banks making difficult queries on KIBIBILI). Do not lose hope. Gold Loan can help you.
Good credit is not essential for a Yes Bank Gold Loan. The reason for this is:
The RBI has forced banks to make CIBIL points check before offering cash to customers. Personal loans, being unsecured loans, are very risky for the bank. A good CIBIL Score, among other things, gives the bank more confidence in your ability to pay. So the success of your PL app requires good points.
Gold loans, on the other hand, require you to provide a tangible liquid asset, i.e., Gold, as collateral. Banks are more likely to give you a loan, even if you have less than the required credit because your Gold assets serve as security and protect them from the risk of default.
So a Gold Loan can be a great option in times of great need when a Personal Loan does not work for you.
Gold Loans can help improve your CIBIL Score
Gold loans carry many benefits such as attractive interest rates, flexibility, availability. But one is very special - it can help you improve your CIBIL score and can open up more loan options in the future.
Keep the following tips in mind after taking out a Gold Loan:
Return on time: Make sure you pay your EMIs (Estimated Monthly Installment installments) on, or if possible, before the due date. Timely payment of EMIs will begin to have a positive impact on your Score. Stay tuned and in time you will end up with a beautiful CIBIL Score with very open doors.
Avoid Auction Collateral: This is a strong no-no. While some lenders may be relaxed and may not pull you up because one or two EMI payments are late - it will seriously damage your School, and put your Gold at risk. Extend your payments, but do not manage to pay at all costs.
Please keep in mind that while it may be easy to get a Gold Loan loan, you will be putting your valuable assets at risk, up to the time of the loan - which can be good as an emergency, but unattractive in the long run. Focus on improving your grades and go for unsecured loans if necessary, as soon as the opportunity arises.
Gold Loan is a loan where gold jewelry is available as security for securities. Gold loans are offered by manufactured banks, private banks, and other financial institutions at low-interest rates. Compared to other loans that may explain the terms and conditions for adjusting finance, Gold Loans provides flexibility for customers to use funds for any purpose such as education, medical emergency, marriage, etc.
How you manage and manage your credit card debt is reflected in your credit score (summary of your credit history number). Bad credit points can make it difficult for you to take out any additional loans.
People who need money, but have low credit scores, can use Gold Loan as an opportunity to improve their credit score. Several financial institutions offer loans if sufficient collateral is guaranteed, in this case, gold ornaments/articles for 18-22 carat. Prompt repayment of any debt can greatly increase your credit score, and Gold Loan is no exception. Therefore, a Gold Loan taken and repaid prematurely or on time will have a better effect on your credit score than on taking out an unsecured personal loan. Significantly, financial institutions do not consider delayed repayment of secured loans especially the Gold Loan as serious as delays in the payment of other unsecured loans are evident.
Besides, the interest rate on some unsecured loans may be higher than for gold loans. Therefore, a Gold Loan can prove to be very economical.