Some organizations might make a decision not to charge the processing fee. Usually, this fee is going to be charged only once their application is granted. This whole thing might depend on how much the eligible organization considers them according to their loan eligibility factor, and it is also important that one should be able to pay it out of their pocket to the bank or the non-banking companies rather than it being taken away from their Home Loan amount. Most lending institutions charge this type of fee on their borrower credit schemes. But, some financial organizations either do not charge any type of fee or waive it as a special option. Some lenders might have separate charges for salaried individuals, freelance professionals abbreviated as SEP.
This processing fee is mainly the proportion of the loan amount and the banks may also mention a minimum and the maximum amount on this fee. This being a fee for the service, one may have to be compelled to pay GST without fail. Meanwhile, away from this fee, Home Loan goes with many other charges and even penalties. Before one applies for borrower credit, it is important to understand all this so that the individuals are not confused, have more clarity, and are fine concerning what they are paying the bank for.
All organizations may not charge all the fees mentioned below, but some organizations might use different technology, whereas some others may have more than one of those beneath similar kinds of fees.
Now let us see what is meant by Loan-related Fees:
The Login Fee is nothing but a typical conjoint fee which is referred to as the executive charge or known as application fee, this is also a non-refundable quantity charged by organizations after one applies for a loan, even before their loan is approved by the banks. It may range from ₹ 2,500 to ₹ 6,500. Now for instance, if one of them pays ₹ 2,500 as a login fee and hence this fee is ₹ 12,500, then they would like to pay only ₹ 10,000 once approved by the banks.
Now let us see what is meant by prepayment Charge and some details of this:
This is also referred to as a proceedings fee or the Pre Closure fee, this charge is applicable if one pays off their borrower credit fully before the beginning of the loan tenure. Most organizations charge no proceedings fee for the floating type of rates on the loans and individual customers. If this fee is charged and then this ranges between a percentage of 1% to 3% of the total loan amount. So, if you are the one planning to close your Home Loan account by paying the banks their balance of ₹ 12 lakh, then you might have to be compelled to spend the price from ₹ 24,000 and ₹ 60,000 to the financial lending organizations.
Now looking at the Partial payment fee or charge this one is referred to as a half-payment fee or part-payment charge, and this is mostly charged by organizations just in case one is paying off a slight balance quantity and not the total amount. Again the floating type of rate on this schemes are mostly an exception from this type of charge but once it is charged the fee may lie between percentage 0% to 5% of the balance on the amount of loan.
If we take a look at the Conversion Charge it is known as the shift fee and it is charged in case one wants to convert their floating type of rate on the package to a fixed type of rate, or even if he or she wishes to convert from the current floating type of rate to a revised one altogether. The Yes Bank Home Loan charges a slightly reasonable charge on these conversions.