Applications are one of the most important papers when it comes to documentation. No firm, company, the institution will ever accept a candidate or an employee without an application. The application needs to be filled with all the required information, thus they are important for the selection process. There are a few things one should always consider before filling the personal loan application form.
These few essential tips shall help you a long way when it comes to filling any kind of application form.
Write what is asked: It is of the utmost priority to write what is asked in the application form. If you are filling it online, then there is no chance that your application can be accepted without filling the ‘required’ section. If you are filling it physically then it is important that you fill every column that the representative has asked you to fill.
Submit all the documents: You should make two sets of documents that are to be submitted to the bank for ICICI personal loan. These documents are supposed to be complete, valid, and legitimate. The bank does a background check on every applicant, thus it is important that you submit the correct documents that suffice the personal loan eligibility criteria.
Learn to read Times New Roman 12: The prints on the forms and contracts are very small so don’t forget to take your glasses. Some banks use these small prints as tactics to carry out fraudulent activities. See to it that you read them properly so that they fail to trap you in a scam. If necessary you can take the form and the contract home, read it properly. Fill it at home itself and then submit it to the bank the next day.
Make a folder: As soon as you take a loan for the time, maintain a folder for the same. Create a folder that reads ‘All Loans’ so that you have all the details of your actions with the bank. This practice can help you track your loans, and you shall be on the safer side too. In the future, when the bank does not behave well with you and asks for all the receipts, then your folder can come to your rescue.
These were a few essential considerations for personal loan applications that we thought was necessary for you. Other than these, don’t forget the basic ones; like writing in all caps, using dark ink, preferably black. Pasting the right size photographs, writing in block laters only. If you have any doubts regarding application forms or loans in general, do feel free to talk to us and visit our website for the same.