Before choosing a car loan always make sure, what is your budget limit? If you want to get a car always be aware of the details of the car loan. Nowadays we have many wishes to fulfill from owning a house to a car. Everything needs time, so don't worry we are here to help you out to grab your favorite car.
In India, we live our life very moderately at the same time we are struggling a lot from our needs to our wants. Sometimes we feel sad when we can't achieve our target, cant fulfill our exact goal. The same scenario goes to the time when you think about owning a car. After saving money for 5-6 years, when you are ready to buy the car you do come to know that the car model has been replaced with the upgraded version and its cost much more than before. So what's next what will you do then, give up on your dream car? The answer is NO, you don't.
Then what is the option now? Go for the car loan. By giving the downpayment and doing some legal paperwork you can avail your car. Getting a Car Loan in India is very simple, everyone who has a decent amount of money and fulfills the basic eligibility criteria that are required for the loan can get the loan from the lender as well as the banks also.
Now we have to know what is the basic eligibility criteria for the loan, what type of documents you need to avail the loan: Let us check the points-
The client's age should be 18 years to 75 years
He/ she has a minimum monthly income of 20,000 rupees
Have one of the ID proof like voter id card, adhaar card, PAN card, passport
Having the driving license
Last 6 months bank statement
Must be 1 year employed to the present company
Always check the cibil score before going for the loan, it can affect the impacts of the loan. If anyone has a score of 750 or more than that they will get a lower amount of interest rate what helps them to pay their loan quickly. But if anyone has a lower score than 650, a higher chance is that their application will be rejected. So, make sure you have fulfilled these criteria also.
After the eligibility criteria what strikes your mind is the Car Loan Interest Rate, which plays the actual game in the car loan availing. Many of us don't know the actual rate of interest of the car loans. Maybe they get trapped with the fraud lenders and pay extra for the loan. It is not good, for this matter always check the RBI’s site and compare the rates, if you find it genuine then only go for the lenders otherwise you will waste your money for no reason. Availing of a car loan is not a big task, with the proper guidance anyone can avail of it. But always check the details of the loan procedure before applying for it. Try to have a good amount of money as your down payment, cause it helps you in long run. You can give the installments very easily, otherwise, you do not have that much pressure on your head regarding this loan.
Always have a positive impact regarding the legal and banking sector, otherwise, it will affect your loan. Do not apply to various banks for the loan at the same time, and if your application gets rejected from a well-known bank/lender do not apply for various banks. When you apply for the loan always read the full details regarding the loan, don't skip anything.